Cali Love By Amanda Lopez

Saturday February 13th @ Upper Playground in Sacramento!

Amanda's doin her thing, you won't wanna miss it!

Here are a few from the dia de los muertos series that she will be showing from february 13th - march 6th.

Come to Sac & check it out!

All images in this post are courtesy of Photographer Amanda Lopez



I had the chance to photograph my girlfriend's sister Zena while i was in Portland.

There was a very swanky library at the hotel we stayed at , and me and jenni decided we had to get a model in there and do a lil make-up/photo thang.

Zena was down and i was very happy with the way they came out. She is also a very talented photographer and if your curious you can grab a look at her flickr or her blog and see what i mean.

thank you Zena, Zach, Jenni & The Nines Portland
