Happy couple

This image was taken almost 3 years ago when i first moved to the bay. My good friend Chris that i worked in San Diego with took me there with his roommate and girlfriend.

It was the first time i was in Berkeley and the first time i visited the Albany bulb, It is a very amazing place filled with secret hippie hideouts, abstract art,sculptures,graffiti and some of the most incredible views of the east bay and San Francisco.

I should be there today but, as luck would have it things never go the way i plan them.I probably won't ever be back there again but, once was good enough to document the summer of 06' and my journey though the Albany bulb.

Memory lane

There were times when i was disgusted with this ave. but, without it i wouldn't be who i am today.

Taken in early 07'

Hold your head up

The emotions i feel when i'm out wandering the streets is difficult to explain. Most of my work consists of abstract objects, cityscapes and architecture but, once and awhile i capture a few of the many souls that pass me by as i take a break from my hustles through the alleys and neighborhoods. Now i am not by any means a good portrait taker but, there are just moments in time that i witness from these strangers that have such an effect on me.

This past Saturday i spent more than 9 hours walking countless city blocks in San Francisco and capturing a record 2000+ images. I had to get away from Oakland for the weekend since i lost my heart there over a week ago. I definitely use my photography as a means of relieving pain or sadness or even stress.

These images are ones that made me think about the things that i truly dream of. Not the most incredible images from that day in my opinion but, it is more about how that moment in time effected me. 

"I want a little me that i can buy Polaroids for"


I'm gonna try to bring out some older work that hasn't been exposed to anyone yet.

Flora Shoot

Flora  is a dope lil' local upscale mexican restaurant/cantina over on 19th in downtown oakland.

Oakbook is a dope lil' local magazine that allowed me to do a shoot for their publishing.

Issue No. 4

Page 6


The other night i decided to get some fresh air and grabbed my bike and headed downtown.I'm very glad i did,i hadn't been out of the house in like a week!.It was super nice out and it felt good to take my mind off of everything thats going on in my life these days and just ride & shoot.

The Beginning

Ok, here it is,

The first installment of jjc's blogs....This is dedicated to me,myself and i.

Oh and all friends,family & dope artists in my life.

I wanted to kick it off with an image that my good friend and fellow photog Chris Rocco complimented me on awhile back and i still owe him a print of.

Ill get it to ya buddy