- iso 100  35mm  f/2.8  1/250 sec




Sac - Town

Amanda Lopez

What can i say?

I couldn't be more blessed to have such an inspitaional photographer in the pages...

Dig her blog as well !

Thank you,



My Oak

About 2 weeks after i moved to the Oakland hills , i would see this lone tree in the distance and always wonder "how come it's all by itself ?"

So i went up and enjoyed the view of east oakland/san leandro ever since but, just about a week ago i noticed it wasn't there while driving up keller ave.I went up and saw that it had been chopped down.

I  was kinda upset cause that was my spot and someone took my tree!

here's a shot from when i went the first time.

RIP my oakland tree


could be a sign..no?


Heat wave

This past weekend was spectacular from the people to the weather and it completely wore me out.

Marc Bamuthi Joseph who i met up on Saturday is a phenomenal artist who i can not truly describe how amazing of a person he is without you seeing for yourself. Get your google on and search him out on youtube as well...you'll be amazed!

I also had the privilege of meeting up with Dj Shredone an amazing San Francisco based LA native doing big things in the bay. She gets her blog on here and some tracks on imeem here . You can also check her man Teeko from 4onefunk and the rest of them crazy talented bay area turntabilists.

And on top of all that i got some click time on with my fellow photog Watani Fennell.He's got a great eye and it was good to finally hit the streets with him and grab some shots to remember.

Also, big shouts to Melina Jones for the invite to Club 6...i had a great time and i hope your feelin better!

It's by the grace of god that things are going the way they are for me these days and i kinda hope it never stops.





Shots fired inside the West Oakland Carnation Factory over a year ago.They have since demolished the buildings and when i ride my bike past i always think about all the amazing art that i saw there now, gone forever.




Thru this project i have been blessed enough to meet up with so many great people and my man right here is the perfect example.

Eric Boss aka "E Da Boss" is a San Francisco based DJ who's talent and commitment to his craft has made him an incredible influence to me and so many others.I won't go into his incredible biography but, you can peep om records bio here

Plain and simple he's a very down to earth motavated cat who i feel very fortunate to know.

you can check the postcast and site www.grownkidsradio.com along with diversify,cyclyst,spinnerty and brown majic.


get your grown kids radio on!



These were taken with a very special friend of mine

back in April 06'

- ISO 400


- f / 2.8

@ 1/25 sec



Picket Fences

Last weekend was perfect,

The weather was spectacular and i finally had the opportunity to link with sucka free's finest miss Melina Jones.

This Woman is the truth! ...the total package and i'm so blessed to have her down for the book. We posted up in front of the same house that her father Ernest grew up in and we locked down some pretty stellar shots.Young, beautiful, hella motivated & extremely talented, Melina shine's so bright as one bad ass mc with incredible soul.

you can purchase her music on itunes or here as well.

These are some non-book related shots i took of her that i ran a LR2 holga process over on the fly.

And For those that live in the bay area

Melina, Richie Cunning and Ren the vinly archaeologist are opening for Trevor Traynor

Trevor is a dope ass photog who i dig and you should mos def check his work!

here's the flyer for the show so you know where to be and i'll see ya there



much love







Fresh Paint

Some shots of the gg bridge and my iro that i took last wednesday with june,molly and anna.

thanks girls,

Spring is here and these past couple of days (week) have been nothin less than perfect.

ah, Oakland 09'




The Bay to LA

This past week i was blessed with a visit from LA's own Jumakae, a beautifully talented singer/songwriter/femcee b-girl who's doing incredible things in her hometown of long beach and overseas in Cambodia as well.She works to empower the youth thru knowledge and thru hip hop culture, the organization she works with is called tinytoones and i hope that my readers can take the time to check out the site and give any support you can.I had a great time kickin' it with her and her friends and also meeting some new incredible folks along the way (we'll link soon leng!)

Here's her myspace as well so you can grab a listen to her amazing talent,

thank you June!

hope to check ya in may

I couldn't be more greatful to my newphew for inspiring me to do this book!

love you ryan!





I hope that people start realizing how serious i am about my work.

I couldn't imagine someone contacting me telling me how inspirational i was to them to the point where they wanted me to be in their next book.I suppose some of the people who dismiss my messages, fail to ever get back to me after weeks or just flaking on me while i wait for hrs in the pouring rain just weren't meant for this at all.

I've been closer to finishing my timelapse video than the book and im only taking stills for the timelapse every other weekend!

and if your wondering, the video consists of 60,000 + High rez imges taken from all over Oakland.

here's a favorite ghetto bird image of mine taken around this time last year.



I took some photos of foreclosed homes for a good buddy of mine today and it was suprisingly creepy.

some memories left behind or maybe staged by a realtor ?

and for my dear, post ..jacob and kelly thank you very much for your words!

and for not telling me about possibly getting a beatin' with the dick for taking some shots

thank you,




I would really like for this journal entry to motavate anyone who reads it to comment on it with your opinion or your own experiances..i kinda need someones thoughts on what i want to do.

I have been sort of a walking contradiction in the past year or so meaning, that when i moved to oakland i was convinced this is where i would stay.I have bounced back and forth thru thoughts and writing about how i want to stay here and then how i want to leave here.This is a mixture of relationships,experiances and something in me that knows i was meant to get out and see more of what life has to offer.

So, last night while laying on the couch and trying to sleep listening to the rain i remembered why i haven't left yet.It's fear....fear of not knowing, fear of failure, fear of not having the stability that i currently posess.Leaving the states and finding myself traveling abroad meeting new people ,opening my mind more, doing a little soul searching is where im at right now. I would appriciate some feedback from my readers/lookers on what you would do or what you think i should do.

I could just let go of everthing, up and leave and see where life takes me..or i could go thru each day dreaming of the possibilities.


afterall , it is the year of change right?




Fumble and Fold

I never did write more from that last post, ah well .. ma bad.

absoulutely nothing this weekend but, did get a chance to work on my side timelapse project and relax a bit.

going back to the couch now

a canon street in oakland?

that's ill



One City

I had slow going but, very nice weekend and was lucky enough to link up with Malcom Marshall , Tim House , Zumbi, Amp Live, Agelica Garde and her boyfriend Brian who is a very nice addition to the project ! . I'm a little exhausted so i'll write about it during the week.

top photo shot @ Chinatown SF

Bottom shot @ Kensington PHL

enjoy, godbless and thank you all

