Razor Fang

This is where i'll be this saturday 

Hope i see some familiar faces out and about!




Been super busy on the 9-5 lately , to the point of exhaustion and i haven't been out blasting shots in over a week. I have alot i would like to write about and alot i would like to do these days but, my obligations to my day job has me quite tired and unable to do so. As time moves on things will change so, just bare with me till then.

Off to 111 Minna right now to cover an event and i leave you with a photo for your thoughts.........



This is a shot from my last visit home while strolling up and down South Street with good friends Gus & Holly. It was a super hot afternoon in the city of Philadelphia that day and some Rita's Water Ice was much needed. Thier son Dylan was along for the ride and i caught this while waiting in line for some icy relief.


South Street Philadelphia 09'


Lucid P.O.D Homestead

Somehow someway i have never posted about these two photographers that i truly admire.

First we got Jacob Schere "aka" M2C who pumps out some of the most memorable images i've ever seen of Japan. You can read up on him and check his work out at Lucid Communication Dot Com and make sure you check his design work as well. He's been shooting alot lately and posting so much i'm having a hard time keeping up with his blog!. (his aug 11th post with the golden rope is insanity!)

Then we got Trevor Christian "aka" Bones at Roam And Click Dot Com . This former San Franciscan shooter is also one of the only people i have ever gone out on a photo excursion with. His passion for vibrant color reflects in every pixel per square inch and i'm very glad to know this individual. These days you can find bones banging out shots from the streets of Burlington Vermont and back up to the haystacks of Charlotte. I hope to link up with them both sooner than later cause they are a very strong influence to my work and how i see the world around me.


The images below i should have posted awhile ago but, luckily everyone who was there that day pretty much posted them on the nets already!

I was recently intoduced to some pretty incredible people and i'm very happy to be in thier company.

Here are some links of those incredible folks:

The Park           

DJ Whooligan

40 Love




I've recieved some email responses on behalf of the purchasing of the book and basically i wanted to break it down from my perspective.

This project took 5 months and a tremendous amount of time and work to complete. Working with so many peoples schedules, driving back and fourth across the bay to meet with people,countless hours on the computer going thru thousands of photos, editing, resizing, emailing, phonecalls, missed appointments ect...

Now i think that Blurb does a great job with their books and they just stepped up the commercial quality of the pages with 100lb silk-finish premium paper. When you break down the cost of each page in the book , it's about 1.50 per page and If i were to grab any of those prints ,frame it out and throw it on a gallery wall for sale there's a good chance that i would sell it for more than 2 dollars (<---sarcasm). Basically your getting quality finish at an affordable price.

There are 3 styles you can order:

1. Softcover = 39.95

2. Hardcover w/ dust jacket = 59.95 (which i recommend because of some additional images on the jacket)

3. Hardcover imagewrap = 67.95

I also wanted to post some images from the pages you can't see unless you purchase the book and list the incredible people inside from start to finish.

Caught In The Scramble Vol .2 "Inspire"

In order of appearence:


E Da Boss   Chris Granillo


Amanda Lopez   Malcom Marshall


DJ Quest   Miguel Ortega


Max MacVeety   Brian Advincula


Jumakae   Zumbi   Leng Phe


Ali Wong   Kiwi   Headnod


Watani Fennell   Nick Andre   Ben Stolorow


Bamuthi   Zoneil Maharaj   Gia Milanese


K Flay   Vanae Tran   Wordup


Leah Weitz   Sabac Red   Angelica Garde


Carlo Medina   Matt Walsh   Denny Prokopos


Candi Martinez   Regina Jackson   Kat Ouano


Anana Scott   Natalie Yeager   Dinyel McBride


Tommy Occhiuto   Jamar Seay   Jeff Intong


Erika Lawrence   Roy 2000   Woodstock


Jenn Porreca   Mike Boo


Tim House   Jackie Anderson


DJ Shredone   Amy Occhiuto


Amp Live   Stephanie Stolorow


Melina Jones   Jenni Tay


Trevor   Crystal Davis


Marlina Contreras   Christopher Rocco






The Day After Forever

One last entry tonight , i promise!

I don't know why i haven't posted about this before because it's one of the highest honors i've had thus far as a photographer. I've been a fan of The Crown City Rockers since i was first schooled to them a awhile back and while working on my book i was offered to be a visual contributor to the new release "The day after forever"

I'm very excited about this and i feel lucky to know these guys.

The album is slated for release on september 29th and here is a quick listen and look of the final product.


 Here are some links for the members of CCR and affiliated artists as well:


The Crown City Rockers             Woodstock Myspace

Raashan Ahmad Myspace           Moe Pope and Headnodic Myspace

Raashan Ahmad Filez.com          Moe Pope and Headnodic dot com

Raashan Ahmad Videos              The Grease Traps Myspace

Headnod Myspace                      Crown City Shop

Kat Ouano Myspace

Max MacVeety Myspace


 and a lil' b-boy to close it out








In My World

It struck me funny when i got an email saying that someone bought some of my work on redbubble the other day. I had uploaded images there so long ago and thought wow, someone just bought some postcards with my images on it!

Anyways, i had a great weekend and i hope you all did too!

Dinyel's brother Brian got married the other day and i missed a beautiful thing by not being there. Luckily my good friend and fellow photog Christopher Rocco grabbed some epic shots of the magical day. Congrats Bri and thank you Chris for doing what you do.

Seriously tired



What a nice way to finish off the work week!

You can click the cover below to take you to the preview/purchase page and browse through the first 15 pages to get a feel of the layout. I am so greatful to have met such beautiful people in the making of this project and truly hope that you are pleased with the final outcome as i am. I also signed up for and paid to be a part of the blurb book contest for my first Vol. which is running until Aug. 20th and you can cast a vote for it HERE.

I mentioned in a previous post that i would not be doing a show due to finances and lack of confidence of my work but, i am pleased to say that i have been looking into galleries and prints makers to make that a reality.

Much love out to Jenni and Amanda  for giving the confidence to reconsider a solo show!

If anyone would like more info on helping me promote my work and Vol . 2 of caught in the scramble please feel free to E me at jjcphotography@gmail.com.

Thank you again to eryone for being patient and understanding through the past few months while working on this book.

Back to work i go  it's almost punchout time!

Have a great weekend 







Here are some grabs from last nights walk round downtown Oakland. What was gonna be a few night flash shots turned into 2000 timelapsed shots.

Its the first week of the month and i couldn't resist the full moon wrapped up in the night sky clouds.

Stay tuned for the video...

I'm feel so lucky to have the people in my life right now.

Sooo lucky!

sleep good eryone




Big thanks to all that were a part of caught in the scramble Vol. 2 "inspire"

I recieved my proof copy and overall i'm quite pleased with the final look. i'll be uploading the updated version and by 8/7/09 will have a link for vol 2 above to take you to blurbs site for a look and possibly a buy. A Five month long project comes to a close and i'm excited about what projects the future holds. 

And from Monday's post here is the "life as a street photog in Oakland" video. 3600 stills from 06'-09' in no particular order or meaning and best viewed in fullscreen. Think imma go grab a coffee and some night shots downtown.


More to come.......



Memory Lapse

And here are some stills from another small timelapse video i'm editing tonight. It's more like just a lapse.


Maddy Park

A flyer for a show i''l be covering at the end of the month

 with some pretty talented folks



Don't know if i ever mentioned him before but you should check Alexander Richter

He's madd talented and i dig his work

check it

