DeFremery Park

Yesterday was enough to last me for weeks...

It started of pretty slow but, by the time i got to the park and mos def was doin his thing it was nothing less than one of the most memorable days i have had in a very long time.Never have i seen west oakland so alive than yesterday afternoon and between the kids at peoples skate park , the graf writers and the amazing weather i once again fell completely in love with oakland.I met up with my man wordup and also tripped over some people i haven't seen in over a year.I found myself imearsed in life and loving everystep along the way...

here are some shots and also some short video of my day.I am sliding over to doing more video and putting the bigger cameras aside temporarily just to feel it out and to document the cut life series i've picked up from my friends over in france.


I think imma treat myself to a nice dinner and a movie tonight!

hmm sirloin and Miracle at St. Anna
