
So i haven't posted since the new year and not since my return from visiting with my family in new jersey that was 3 years overdue.I think it was a mixture of the trip back home and the things that have been on my mind recently that kept me away from gettin my blog on.My apologies to anyone who checks the site for not updating and keeping you all posted on what has been goin on with me but, for the longest time i have been focused on others instead of myself and i desperately needed to do something with my craft and break out of the vicious cycle i was in.It was decided about a month ago that i make my second book of caught in the scramble about others instead of another volume of my street work.I have met and networked with so many interesting and inspiring people in the past few years that i wanted to pay a little homage to those who are out there doing incredible things and helping the world become a better place for all of us.The book is a long way from being done but, i have been blessed to say the least to have so many local people that i look up to willing to be a part of my project.

Designers,comedians,artists,community activists,teachers,producers,dancers,bikers,skaters,singers,songwriters,dj''s,femcees,musicians of all types ect..

It most definitely has alot to do with the desire to let others know how much of an inspiration they truly are.The desire to branch out and take chances and opportunities with my photography and the desire to ultimately connect other members of the human race with each other thru my work.

i'll keep you all posted as the days pass.

in between the photoshoots that i have been doing, i still take the time to capture what i love the most.

The Street

stay blessed ya'll

And since I'm grippin up that 5D Mark II soon

i Figured i'd show you the quality of the video that will def help with my side cinematography projects.

dig it!
