Artists Wanted

I tried my luck with Artists Wanted submissions about 2 years ago and didn't make the cut.

This time i'm hoping that will change!

I paid & submitted 15 images to today and i hope that this time around i will at least win the people's choice if not the grand prize of living in New York rent free for 1 year. I really need everyones help on this one so if i could please get you guys to cast me a 5 star vote and email my artists wanted profile to friends & family to bring up my chances i would be one happy camper and forever greatful.

Even though i'm gonna,I really do hate sending out emails saying "vote for me! vote for me!" cause there are probably alot of you out there that aren't really feeling my work as much and that's fine but, i've been thinking about the east coast alot lately and how it might help my chances of becoming more noticed and help me land a job doing what i love so much. Bottom line is i need the masses on this one and i hope i can depend on a few of you to help JJC out.

The link for my profile where you can vote only once every 24hours is here

at the bottom you'll see " rate this portfolio " and you can give it 1-5 stars depending on what you think i deserve.

please send the link to everyone you can and thank you soooo much

email me with questions @

here are some slams from this past weekend in the city

thank you and enjoy
