Bumps in the road

I wish i was better at being me sometimes......

I've been feeling way off these past couple of days and i'm not sure what exactly it is that's bothering me. It might be me missing my family & friends back home or my 9-5 or not seeing my girl when i would like to. I have been very negative lately which i am am sorry for and my confidence in my photography and myself has dropped right through the floor. Whatever it is , i don't like it and i hope to be back on track and happy soon. 


Here are some links to some very talented people doing good things out there in the world.

Patrick Kawahara                      Alexander Richter

Jenni Tay                                 Rafaela Persson

Amanda Lopez & Jenni Tay       Mansi Midha

Nate Harvey                             Shiho Fukada

Shaughn                                 Dede Pickering


Here are some old hearts of mine
