Cali Love By Amanda Lopez

Saturday February 13th @ Upper Playground in Sacramento!

Amanda's doin her thing, you won't wanna miss it!

Here are a few from the dia de los muertos series that she will be showing from february 13th - march 6th.

Come to Sac & check it out!

All images in this post are courtesy of Photographer Amanda Lopez


Zoin I & The Grouch

I don't know what else to say except that i'm truly excited about 2010.

Photo ops, Video Projects & Gallery Showings are being offered to me and i feel incredibly blessed to have these inconceivable opportunities come my way this year. I feel good inside and i hope this continues.

Big ups to the homies Tim House , Zumbi , Amp Live & The Grouch for allowing me to be a part of great things in the two thousand and ten.

Here's a few from the other day.









I'm sittin' here geekin' out on a saturday night rendering video files , editing photos ect..ect.. and i wanted to post a little something about a scene i have followed pretty religiously for the past few years. It must have been back in 05' i started finding all these insanely talented cats from Seattle on myspace. Now, i love east coast hip hop and the Cali has a grip of talent as well but, wow the northwest has a stronghold on the hip hop something crazy. I think i stumbled over Macklemore & Kublikai first then Symmetry & Ryan Lewis and after that it was one talented soul after another. So, basically i wanted to write this to drop some names, pay my respects and enlighten others who aren't aware of some of what the 206 has to offer.

I won't be posting any of my work in this entry, instead links to all the incredible people that i want my readers to check out. Here is The Fake Empire Video project Featuring Macklemore and many others, produced by Ryan Lewis 09'.

 And these next two short videos are from the making of  "The Town" by Macklemore

Produced by Zia Mohajerjasbi who has recently become my new favorite videographer.

 I really love sharing other peoples work thur my site and i hope you all enjoy me taking a break from posting my work for the sake of these hard working individuals.

They inspire me and i hope they do the same for you.

Here's some links to other Seattle folk that i dig.


Common Market                  Ryan Lewis                Zia Mohajerjasbi             

Blue Scholars                      Johnny Valencia          Sabzi   

Kublikai                               Jason Koenig              Grynch

Grieves                               Macklemore                Symmetry


sorry for the long post but, it had to be done

night yall




Here are Some clicks from yesterday in the mission.

Caught in the scramble vol. 3 is up and available on

you can view it and purchase here.

I highly recommend picking it up, it is the best book i've thrown together thus far

Have a great week everyone



6:00 in Oakland

I had the honor recently of being asked to put together a video for Raashan Ahmad. It will be uploaded to my Vimeo in a week or two so keep and eye out.

Here are some stills from the project.

Thank you to all that wished me a good birthday this past weekend and spent time with me.

And thank you! thank you! so much Jenni for saturday night!

your the greatest of all time!

have a good week ya'll


Black Patch War

Been a huge fan of Common Market for a minute now and it was very exciting seeing them perform for the first time last monday night at Cafe Du Nord. My live performance photography still needs some work but, i was simply just happy to be there. I will continue to grow & learn and they will improve as time flows on.

I'm feeling so much better today, I gotta persevere though all the hardships that life throws my way and believe in myself. I can't depend on others to give me confidence or self worth, that's all up to me.

I plan on hitting the streets this weekend so we'll see what i come home with and i'll be sharing it with you guys soon.

Thank you




Bumps in the road

I wish i was better at being me sometimes......

I've been feeling way off these past couple of days and i'm not sure what exactly it is that's bothering me. It might be me missing my family & friends back home or my 9-5 or not seeing my girl when i would like to. I have been very negative lately which i am am sorry for and my confidence in my photography and myself has dropped right through the floor. Whatever it is , i don't like it and i hope to be back on track and happy soon. 


Here are some links to some very talented people doing good things out there in the world.

Patrick Kawahara                      Alexander Richter

Jenni Tay                                 Rafaela Persson

Amanda Lopez & Jenni Tay       Mansi Midha

Nate Harvey                             Shiho Fukada

Shaughn                                 Dede Pickering


Here are some old hearts of mine
