carmel by the sea

I've been super busy lately with this video project that i haven't posted many photos like i should be doing.
 I will try to update as much as i can.

Here are some photos from Dominic & Amanda's wedding in Monterey that i shot a lil while ago.

Thank you both for allowing me to be a part of such a personal wedding, i had a great time!

Back Beat Symphony

I wanted to give thanks to the homies Max MacVeety (Crown City Rockers) & DJ Zeph (Oakland Faders) for allowing me to do the promo shots for their album Back Beat Symphony.

Here are the album images and some clips i've taken of them doing what they do best.


Usual Suspect

Once again huge thanks to Amanda Lopez and to the people of Sol collective for allowing be to be a part of this months gallery.

If your in the Sacramento area, the opening reception is saturday June 19th running till July 10th.

The lineup is sick and i'm so lucky to show along side of such talented artists.

Leo Docuyanan
Melissa Fuller
Amanda Lopez
Nina Parks
Matt Reamer
Trevor Traynor 

Unfortunately, i will be on a east coast back home visit and will be unable to attend but, i hope some of you can make it out to support.

Thank you to all involved and for the opportunity Lopez your the best!



Mucho GriLLade

To Miss Ragen Fykes, i thank you for posting these photos on your blog!

Big ups to the homie Dominic Del Bene  from Independent Media for putting the finishing GriLLade touches on them. And as always much thanks to Keelay & The Park for being the dope cats they are.

I also wanted to post a Photo that the incredible Amanda Lopez took of GriLLade, it's this first one below and the rest are yours truly.

GriLLade Photo by Amanda Lopez :

GriLLade photos by JJC :




Nasa Chan

Don't have much time to write about my good friend Nasa who just recently visited the bay last week.

Nasa , her friend moko and i hit the streets to grab some clicks and chop it up about what we've been up to the past 2 years since we saw each other last. Although she used to live in the bay , she currently lives in Japan as a photographer/ web designer.

It was good to catch up and run around in the bustle of the san francisco christmas crowd. I'm excited to see the shots she took of me with her New hasse and i hope to see her in japan when i get the opportunity to visit.

You can see some of her work at the following links

nasastyle flickr

nasastyle blog

thank you nasa and moko, it was great seeing you guys and i hope to see you again soon!

I hope that Eryone has a great Christmas and happy new year, i'm heading to portland tomorrow to spend the holidays with my amazing girl and her wonderful family for the holidays.

2010, can you believe it?




6:00 in Oakland

I had the honor recently of being asked to put together a video for Raashan Ahmad. It will be uploaded to my Vimeo in a week or two so keep and eye out.

Here are some stills from the project.

Thank you to all that wished me a good birthday this past weekend and spent time with me.

And thank you! thank you! so much Jenni for saturday night!

your the greatest of all time!

have a good week ya'll


Outcome (RIP)

So,  it's a gloomy rainy friday afternoon in the hills of Oakland California today and i've have been prowling around the internet in search of inspiration. I posted some unfortunate news on my facebook the other day about my external hard drive going down on me and me possibly loosing 5 years of photography for good. A good artist always backs up his back up because technology can never be trusted and so is life, shit happens. I haven't heard the final word from the data recovery guy i sent it to and i am keeping my fingers crossed that at least some of it is salvageable but only time will tell. <-- scratch that last sentence, i just received the call that the drive is un-repairable and my last hope of getting the data back would cost me $900-$3900 without a guarantee of everything being recovered.

A lesson well learned john coyne

In an instant, years of hard work images & memories wiped clean.

My good friend Chris said was telling me just yesterday that if i don't get my work back, that maybe there is a reason for it. yup, maybe there is a reason this happened and some higher power wanted me to start over.

either way i have a clean slate and a new outlook on being a responsible artist.

I'm putting the finishing touches on Caughtinthescramble vol. 3 , a 200 page blurb book with many of the images that were on that drive.

Boy i'm glad i put it together when i did

I entitled it 2006-2009 but, i think i should call it R.I.P , whatcha guys think?

Here are some images i'm glad to still have, they are from the 09' treasure island festival 

as sad as i am to have lost such important work, i still have my health , good friends , family and i'm loved!

starting a new chapter sounds good

have a good weekend everyone

32yrs old this sunday

thank you



Bumps in the road

I wish i was better at being me sometimes......

I've been feeling way off these past couple of days and i'm not sure what exactly it is that's bothering me. It might be me missing my family & friends back home or my 9-5 or not seeing my girl when i would like to. I have been very negative lately which i am am sorry for and my confidence in my photography and myself has dropped right through the floor. Whatever it is , i don't like it and i hope to be back on track and happy soon. 


Here are some links to some very talented people doing good things out there in the world.

Patrick Kawahara                      Alexander Richter

Jenni Tay                                 Rafaela Persson

Amanda Lopez & Jenni Tay       Mansi Midha

Nate Harvey                             Shiho Fukada

Shaughn                                 Dede Pickering


Here are some old hearts of mine
