
I wanted to blog a lil' something about a good friend and fellow photographer by the name of

Watani Fennell

I discovered his work years back and have been fortunate enough to kick it with him on a few occasions.

He's a san jose based shooter and i'm hella glad i know this cat, very good eye and quite the inspiration.

His site is up and ready for your eyes, so go check him out!

Thanks homie, see ya soon!


here's a few snaps from saturday while out in chinatown with the homie E Da Boss of grown kids radio.




Jenni and I were searching out snowboards for this weekends Tahoe trip and found out that they are having a snowboard design contest.

I own a 2005 arbor formula 48 and i love what the Venice California based snowboard company is all about.

So, i went ahead and submitted a Photo design for a board. Arbor always shows the bamboo wood on their boards and also the trademark tree logo as well.

If you guys could help me out a bit and simply sign up for account here at REI and then click here for arbor's contest page and click here to view and vote for my submission.

First prize is the board with my artwork on it!!! 

Please take the time to sign up and vote for your homie JJC , you can vote up until 1/10/10

here's a look at what you would be voting for


Here are Some clicks from yesterday in the mission.

Caught in the scramble vol. 3 is up and available on

you can view it and purchase here.

I highly recommend picking it up, it is the best book i've thrown together thus far

Have a great week everyone



Outcome (RIP)

So,  it's a gloomy rainy friday afternoon in the hills of Oakland California today and i've have been prowling around the internet in search of inspiration. I posted some unfortunate news on my facebook the other day about my external hard drive going down on me and me possibly loosing 5 years of photography for good. A good artist always backs up his back up because technology can never be trusted and so is life, shit happens. I haven't heard the final word from the data recovery guy i sent it to and i am keeping my fingers crossed that at least some of it is salvageable but only time will tell. <-- scratch that last sentence, i just received the call that the drive is un-repairable and my last hope of getting the data back would cost me $900-$3900 without a guarantee of everything being recovered.

A lesson well learned john coyne

In an instant, years of hard work images & memories wiped clean.

My good friend Chris said was telling me just yesterday that if i don't get my work back, that maybe there is a reason for it. yup, maybe there is a reason this happened and some higher power wanted me to start over.

either way i have a clean slate and a new outlook on being a responsible artist.

I'm putting the finishing touches on Caughtinthescramble vol. 3 , a 200 page blurb book with many of the images that were on that drive.

Boy i'm glad i put it together when i did

I entitled it 2006-2009 but, i think i should call it R.I.P , whatcha guys think?

Here are some images i'm glad to still have, they are from the 09' treasure island festival 

as sad as i am to have lost such important work, i still have my health , good friends , family and i'm loved!

starting a new chapter sounds good

have a good weekend everyone

32yrs old this sunday

thank you



Black Patch War

Been a huge fan of Common Market for a minute now and it was very exciting seeing them perform for the first time last monday night at Cafe Du Nord. My live performance photography still needs some work but, i was simply just happy to be there. I will continue to grow & learn and they will improve as time flows on.

I'm feeling so much better today, I gotta persevere though all the hardships that life throws my way and believe in myself. I can't depend on others to give me confidence or self worth, that's all up to me.

I plan on hitting the streets this weekend so we'll see what i come home with and i'll be sharing it with you guys soon.

Thank you




Bumps in the road

I wish i was better at being me sometimes......

I've been feeling way off these past couple of days and i'm not sure what exactly it is that's bothering me. It might be me missing my family & friends back home or my 9-5 or not seeing my girl when i would like to. I have been very negative lately which i am am sorry for and my confidence in my photography and myself has dropped right through the floor. Whatever it is , i don't like it and i hope to be back on track and happy soon. 


Here are some links to some very talented people doing good things out there in the world.

Patrick Kawahara                      Alexander Richter

Jenni Tay                                 Rafaela Persson

Amanda Lopez & Jenni Tay       Mansi Midha

Nate Harvey                             Shiho Fukada

Shaughn                                 Dede Pickering


Here are some old hearts of mine



Lucid P.O.D Homestead

Somehow someway i have never posted about these two photographers that i truly admire.

First we got Jacob Schere "aka" M2C who pumps out some of the most memorable images i've ever seen of Japan. You can read up on him and check his work out at Lucid Communication Dot Com and make sure you check his design work as well. He's been shooting alot lately and posting so much i'm having a hard time keeping up with his blog!. (his aug 11th post with the golden rope is insanity!)

Then we got Trevor Christian "aka" Bones at Roam And Click Dot Com . This former San Franciscan shooter is also one of the only people i have ever gone out on a photo excursion with. His passion for vibrant color reflects in every pixel per square inch and i'm very glad to know this individual. These days you can find bones banging out shots from the streets of Burlington Vermont and back up to the haystacks of Charlotte. I hope to link up with them both sooner than later cause they are a very strong influence to my work and how i see the world around me.


The images below i should have posted awhile ago but, luckily everyone who was there that day pretty much posted them on the nets already!

I was recently intoduced to some pretty incredible people and i'm very happy to be in thier company.

Here are some links of those incredible folks:

The Park           

DJ Whooligan

40 Love

