Ebb and flow

Today while shooting i found myself watching people instead of the usual abstract things i tend to.I don't know if i will ever figure out people and why they do what they do.I watched people holding hands,hugging each other,kissing,smiling and laughing.

I also watched people arguing,waving their hands at each other,yelling,cursing and even heard a man say to a woman that he hated her before crossing the street into a taxi cab (see photo below). Life is a lesson and it hurts like hell , we say things we don't mean, we don't always appriciate how precious we are to each other and at the end of the day as long as we admit our faults and know the love we have for each other is stronger than our misunderstandings than the sky is the limit.

Sometimes people will not understand what you value and i know this through experiance but, i don't give up easily and neither should any of you. Love is the most incredible force in the universe and i will never let it go.

I had a bit of a breakdown on the bart ride home while watching a deaf couple sign to each other because even though i don't know sign language, i understood.By the time they got off in west oakland they had worked everything out and were going home happy and just as in love as they have always been.

The bay area has been very kind to me and i love it like back home but, if i were to leave would anything pull me back because of the person i am or would i be let go cause of the person i have been?






By now you all have noticed that i have been using this site to not only showcase my passion of photography but, my thoughts as well.I always had the intention of using it for that ....because i could be "professional" and just show my work but, my work is my life and my life consist of experiences and thoughts too.

Most who visit don't pay much attention to my words and strictly focus on my photos which is fine because i tend to write in a encryptic way that leaves key personal info out so not many understand what it is exactly I'm talking about. I can't apologize for that for the reason being that it's my site to do what i want with and i'll write what ever it is that is on my mind!

Na, but for real i wanted to write about last weekend and the people that i spent time with. I met up with Matt Walsh and his buddy Trevor for some beers and laughs in Dolores park in San Francisco. I also met with a couple that he stays with and their little baby girl cali and was asked to take some photos of them.

I thought it to be funny at first cause i've never really shot a baby on a swing before... and after a few clicks it struck a chord in my heart because it was another reminder of how much i want one of my own to push on the swings and make silly faces at.



I just had to post this!

   And i hate when i'm late in the game discovering and artist so talented as this person right here, i feel like i've been missing out.

but, as long as i'm hip to her now that's all that matters..i'm an instant fan for life!

you can find her bio here 

and just search her out on the normal mediums of myspace and you tube to get more of a feel of why i am so excited about her work.

It's nice when i don't post up all the dramatic spilling my guts heart & soul type stuff that i usually do.

So, for a change of pace


Mixed thoughts, Mixed memories

East Oakland,Santa Monica & Downtown Oakland from a 4,000 dollar canon to a 5 dollar disposable to a 100 dollar lomo lc-a

it really doesn't matter what you shoot with as long as you shoot with your heart.

Side note

And if i hadn't promoted it enough yet the first volume of my book of out and available for purchase!

I did go a little over board by making it 60 pages but, i wanted to come out big at first. I have already finished two other volumes that are smaller and more reasonably priced but, i won't publish them until i see how the first one goes.

check it out by clicking the image below


An early night tonight...i really hate when i hype up a situation i'm truly excited about and it turns out all sour.

Hit a new mexican spot round 6:00 then realized i was flying solo after i hung up the phone and it was over to telegraph to fight the murmur crowd near rock paper scissors. I don't think that all the dramatic hipster extreme art crazies ever really bothered me but, tonight they made me wish i had a 9mm instead of my 5D. I think because it was my first time going stag and usually i'm so happy with my company that none of that seems to phase me. I mean you can't even look at any of the art cause it's like a sweaty overpacked rave in every gallery and there is a ton of oaklanders that don't bathe so it makes for a intresting symphony for the nose!

Either way i made the best of it and headed down to west grand and sat in the medium in between traffic and watched projected indie clips on the side of a building for about 45 mins..checked out a few more sweatshop galleries and then headed down to the museum to catch the rest of runners high at the sunset cinema.

Sometimes i think it would be great if i was this incredibly good looking guy and everyone wanted to be a friend so i would have people to share my company with but, as soon as i think about it those are exactly the people i don't want to be around.

cause there only in my company cause of the outs  and not  whats in. If they only new how great i am!

but, for now ..no more art murmurs for me!  

Rarely any photographers showing work there anyways..sometimes i don't think oakland has love for us photogs

there always tommorrow!




On the real, life's lessons hit deep and leave scars that will last longer than time itself. now, I am a dramatic person .. and i am an emotional cat because of my scorpio blueprint that's permently imbedded in me.There are ups and downs to everyones values and personalities and sometimes we just can't make that other person quite understand just "who we are".

to make a long story short i refreshed my memory on the background of my zodiac sign just now.

and for relationships and friendships it's a trip being born under my sign.



"Relationships with Scorpio are always complicated, just like the person, their relationships are a series of extremes, they can even be downright moody for no apparent reason. Scorpios are known for their possessiveness and jealousy but on the other hand, they are extremely loyal. Scorpios have an excellent memory and combined with an inability to let things go, they can hold a grudge against someone who did them harm forever, in fact a Scorpio rarely if never forgives and forgets. They will even go as far as get vengeance on the person. On the other hand, they will always remember a kind gesture forever and repay it. Any kind selfless gesture done to a Scorpio will gain trust and respect which is extremely important to them in any relationship, either romantic or not. The best advice is to be honest with a Scorpio friend and in return, you will gain an amazing friend you will never forget and who will be loyal to you and never make false promises. Their truthful and shocking sense of humor if different than that of any other zodiac sign and the Scorpio makes an amazing, powerful interesting friend that can be trusted."

more info 

and about the image...it was taken at the art & soul fest as well.

little man didn't hear one word his mother was saying , his eyes just lay on this pretty little girl with his jaw hanging in the breeze.

I was like "i know the feeling"



The Basics

I released the first of three volumes i have been working on tonight.

It can be previewed and purchased here!


Email me or comment me and let me know what you think

thank you all so much for supporting me and my passion

much love,


Domino effect

Never do you find me quoting others because i find it better to make my own quotes but, after watching domino again the other night the quote she used seemed so appropriate for life right now.

" I decided to never invest too much emotion in one thing. It's always a set-up to the pain of losing them."

no nonsense no complication very real simple and plain quote..and thats what i like about it.

now on to some of the clicks from this incredible past weekend.

My broken focus

Right now is the most beautiful morning i have known since being in Oakland,

Once the windows were opened and the warm air hit my face i couldn't be more happy with the end to a beautiful weekend that completely changed my outlook on my life here in the east bay.

Sadness got a hold of me recently and i thought that i would leave a lot sooner than later because i couldn't stomach the memories of the past that i have shared here....it was just too overwhelming but, luckily i am john coyne and i can put my pain aside go out and enjoy my life and see what it has to offer me, and so i did.

I did the art & soul festival Saturday and Sunday this year because i met a guy at the Latin stage that wanted me to work some shots for the performances. His name is Theo Williams and he is a really dope producer for Culture 360 a center for the arts.

In between sets on stage i would wander around the streets and vendors and see people i know ,meet people i don't ,pop off some hip shots and enjoy some deep fried Twinkies and BBQ. I had an amazing time and it re-vitalized my outlook on this beautiful place i live and it couldn't have come at a better time, cause i was loosing hope in Oakland.I wil post more about my perfect weekend soon but, for now i have hundreds of photos to look over so i can share them you all of you!

love life & godbless



Tonight i put aside my after work routine of eating healthy shit and spending 2+ hours at the gym tryin to get my fat self in shape. instead, i sat on my ugly ass couch and watched Barack speak to the world while suckin down a few pacifico's.

I am very happy to say that i voted for this man and i believe that he will be our next president and do amazing things for this country.

Although only time will tell how well he sticks to his word ,i have nothing but high hopes that he will make that difference and he will make that change.I kinda wished i went to the parkway theater to watch it with fellow supporters but,i didn't have the motivation tonight. It was pretty warm today and it kinda sucked out all of my energy otherwise i would have been there.

After watching him it reminded how important i am in this world and how short life can be.It is a very monumental time to be alive right now and as i watched the crowd in the mile high stadium i saw so many little kids on the shoulders of their fathers with their families and between them and Obama it made me cry.

I have always been so self-less and it's time to make a change in me and my world.Time to network and get my photography out to more than just the bay area , time to pull my dreams close to my heart and find out where i want to plant my feet or where i don't , time to get over my fears and insecurities and let people into my life instead of shying away from interaction.

 I'm gonna take a nice long vacation soon so i can clear my head a bit and look inside to see if i can find out where to go now that my life's plans have changed.

Starting from scratch couldn't be anymore difficult but, i know that god has his strange ways and i have to respect that.

this image was taken this time last year on one of the most memorable trips of my life.

-the big island of Hawaii 07'

The struggle of just being us

"Just like vanilla sky, every passing moment is a chance to turn it all around...

I'm a gifted,caring,dedicated,dependable,positive human being and i have a lot to give when it comes to this world.

My unique persona will be appreciated and respected."

these are a few snaps that were taken in San Francisco within the past 2 years.

I think imma head out to Oakland's art & soul fest this weekend

won't be the same but i will make the best of it and i'll post images when i can.


I was excited to see Bambu of the native guns last night, he is an amazing performer and speaker.I was lucky enough to be there thanks to my good friend Zoneil Maharaj of oh dang magazine.

Unfortunately, being a good photographer and open minded avid supporter of all hip hop artists still leaves me quite unnoticed because of my skin color.

but, i will continue to shine as my lens leads me to great things irregardless of my ancestors.

Another day

If things could go the way we wanted them i suppose there would just be too much happiness in the world.

Every morning we get up hoping for a better day, hoping to bring loved ones back and hoping to make things the way they used to be.

We try to do whats right and pray for our dreams to come true.Sometimes it takes alot of mistakes and sadness to bring us to where we need to be..i myself am not someone who gives up too easily and although no good deed goes unpunished i still feel at times that my struggles are justified.

I believe in love and i believe as long as you continue doing what you love that same love will come back to you.

Joe Wigfall

Joe is someone who i just stumbled over and i think the world of his work. When i watched this video he made a statement that i have made so many times to myself about what we do as street photographers.

"i had to do this for me"

"yea i would love to be doing this full time but, right now thats not happening"

"get so frustrated i do nothing, that makes no sense and that doesn't encourage anybody else either"

"and it's not over yet"


this cats incredible!

Land on my feet

When i look through the small amount of photos that i have of my hometown alot of things go through my head.After being in Oakland for almost 3 years i have grown such a love for this place i don't quite know if i ever want to leave but, after recent devastating events in my life i just don't know what i want anymore.I hope and pray that things will get better and i would love to stay here a long time.I will finish my work obligations here in the hills, continue shooting and working to better myself and my work and see what happens within the next year. Time will be the only deciding factor in my future and i will do my best to make the right decisions from now on.

End of the day

Today was a 100% tiring and i'm finishing it off with some sleepytime tea and a photo from last sunday night when i was out wandering west oakland and ended up in jack london square. I must have walked about 30 blocks that night and still am not as tired as i am tonight.

It's funny how my personal life reflects my photography..sometimes you can actually tell whats going through my mind by looking at my work.I am currently working on vol .1 of caught in the scramble the book so, i'll be praying that people enjoy it and want to buy it!

I will post info when i'm closer to being finished

godbless & goodnight



I am really not sure when i took these, i try to carry my lomo or holga where ever i roam and just scanned out a few that i recently developed.