
One of the first shots taken with the MK2



So i haven't posted since the new year and not since my return from visiting with my family in new jersey that was 3 years overdue.I think it was a mixture of the trip back home and the things that have been on my mind recently that kept me away from gettin my blog on.My apologies to anyone who checks the site for not updating and keeping you all posted on what has been goin on with me but, for the longest time i have been focused on others instead of myself and i desperately needed to do something with my craft and break out of the vicious cycle i was in.It was decided about a month ago that i make my second book of caught in the scramble about others instead of another volume of my street work.I have met and networked with so many interesting and inspiring people in the past few years that i wanted to pay a little homage to those who are out there doing incredible things and helping the world become a better place for all of us.The book is a long way from being done but, i have been blessed to say the least to have so many local people that i look up to willing to be a part of my project.

Designers,comedians,artists,community activists,teachers,producers,dancers,bikers,skaters,singers,songwriters,dj's.mc's,femcees,musicians of all types ect..

It most definitely has alot to do with the desire to let others know how much of an inspiration they truly are.The desire to branch out and take chances and opportunities with my photography and the desire to ultimately connect other members of the human race with each other thru my work.

i'll keep you all posted as the days pass.

in between the photoshoots that i have been doing, i still take the time to capture what i love the most.

The Street

stay blessed ya'll

And since I'm grippin up that 5D Mark II soon

i Figured i'd show you the quality of the video that will def help with my side cinematography projects.

dig it!


Phl International Gate B15

It's 6:08 am and im waiting for my 6:45 to charlotte nc that will take me to phoenix az which will take me to oakland ca and im falling asleep at the keys right now but, i had an amazing time on this very short visit home and im so glad i got to spend good time with my sister and her family (my family)

i got some incredible shots of my nephew ryan and ill be flicker'in them up in the next few days.

here's one anyone could love

love that kiddo

and i wish everyone a happy new year

much love


Shots Fired

The past 2 days have been very stressful at work and i've been more concerned with losing my job more than ever.Although i do know deep down that things will be alright and i will make it thru this tough time, it just makes me wonder what time has in store for me next.I'm busy wrapping and packing tonight for my trip back home friday hoping i don't spend to much time delayed in some airport or sitting next to that the smelly guy on the plane like ever other time i fly.

Funny thing tonight,

I was getting off bart at the oakland coliseum with my ipod full blast lost in my own world (as usual) ..and without me hearing a damm thing, serveral shots were fired and people started running and ducking down on the ground and i didn't think anything of it.Ahh Oakland.. i should to be more aware of my surroundings from now on.

On a lighter note it's almost christmas! and i hope that everyone has an amazing holiday with thier loved ones.

Here are some clicks from the second volume of my book

Merry christmas and have a happy new year!



Winter Splash


-Not much is certain in this life so just make sure you take a few pictures while your here-

some mixed san francisco clicks for your thoughts

feedback is appriciated

much love





Things have been turning up for me these days and i'm very happy inside.I'm back doin my thing out in the street and i'm more than happy with the results of my recent ventures.I have a amazing new supportive sidekick in my life and i am very blessed to be so lucky.

I'm also strongly considering going back home for a few days for the holidays thanks to my bestest friend dinyel,who i miss very dearly along with my close friends and fam.

I would love nothing more than to hit the streets of illtown once again with my buddy rocco and see what i can come up with.I also am putting some finishing touches on Vol .2 of my caught in the scramble book series that should be out and available for purchase no later than the first of the year!

thanks as always and never forget to count your blessings.

- East Oakland

- Canon Rebel XT

- f 1.4 50mm

- iso 400


Dream Big!


Y'all Know Who

I know with every confident cell in me that street shots like this one will make me my photography legendary.

It's clicks like this that make me love what i do!

In my opinion this is a true street heater

- San Francisco at the magic hour (dusk)

- Canon 5D

- f 2.8 24mm

- iso 100

and if you don't think thats ILL than you probably don't appriciate street photogs

Love Life

Be Blessed




Taken last thanksgiving afternoon with my Sony Handycam CX-12

I haven't really used the camera on it since i picked it up but, It actually pops off some pretty dope stills and i'll post some with the 0.36X fishy attachment as soon as i can!

Thank you all once again for supporting JJC and i promise to step my game up in the near future and throw up some new sets on the flickr


b blessed



Tad rusty but, it was just like old days.

Funny all i had to do was go thru my own work and i got excited to hit the streets again!

I'm happy..it feels nice to have that desire to shoot, back in my life.It also feels nice to feel that warmth when i thought all hope was gone


Cut Life

Still in a rut with my work,

hoping that shooting the show this wednesday night will motavate me a little and get me back where i need to be.

but, for now i'm still doing the videos..

I must be a really confusing individual to those who don't know me personally.Hopefully one day you will know me face to face and it won't be that confusing anymore.

here are some clicks from early 07' around my town and east bay

Enjoy , be blessed and keep hope alive!

have a great week



Dodgeball days

To trust others is dangerous to me , this goes for loving others as well.I could say this stems from way back in them playground days where you could catch me sitting under that striped maple tree being that anti-social kiddo , trying to decide which of the others i should stay away from and which ones could be trusted as a friend..only bad part is that sometimes "time" is the only way to truly find out who a person is or isn't what you thought they were. Karma will come full circle undoubtedly!

It isn't suprising that i'm weary about others cause, somehow i've seemed to pick the most toxic people since them dodgeball days.There has to be a higher power at work to have put me in these difficult life lesson type situations , let's just pray that higher power guides me to something more powerfull in 2009.I have to give props to my buddy matt for commin' along when you did and bringin' positivity my way..even though i've been in this slump since whatsherface you mos definately have been helpin out..so, thanks a bunch yo!

 B-day's on the rise

 My amazing sister just had her second child this morning! and i am now and uncle 2x over :)

 My best friend Dinyel and i don't talk as much as i would like

 The phone no longer rings the way it once did

 I haven't picked up my camera in almost 3 weeks

 I want a family of my own

Here are some of the last shots i have taken around oakland

Oh and you out there in fremont..thanks for being such a fan of mine!

much appriciated

